First, we need some information so we can give you the best demo experience.
Most churches today know that marketing their organization is essential in communicating well and often, with existing and potential members. Digital screens, managed and created by your team, help to get the important news you have to share, into the arms of your congregation.
Give visitors all of the information they need between sermons or as they pass by.
Share dates and details for your community events, fundraisers and sermon schedules.
No more printed materials, everything is created, saved and sent digitally.
Give a taste of what it’s like to be part of your congregation with images and testimonials.
Help members to feel informed and connected, with digital noticeboards.
Digital screens speak to younger audiences in a way they understand, and embrace.
ScreenCloud works on easy-to-organize hardware like TV screens you already have and consumer devices like Amazon Fire TV Sticks.
Our Customer Success and Marketing teams are dedicated to helping you to have an easy and enjoyable digital signage journey.
Our 80+ apps help you to create content, from scratch or from places you already use like Twitter, Dropbox, Google Slides and PDFs. Easily upload content or use our screen-ready templates to make beautiful content easily.
Wondering what hardware to use? How cloud-based digital signage really works? If you can set different content for different days? Check out our free digital signage get started guide.
Looking to build your church’s membership retention strategy? Digital screens will help - here’s how.
Thinking about digital signage for your church? Here are some great case studies to read first.
Churches are learning how easy digital screens are to setup and use - but what do you need to know first?