Episode 31
In this week’s episode, Mark and David talk about when the going gets tough and how important it is as a leader to keep your personal insecurities in check to avoid causing panic and paralysis.
Every startup will inevitably experience both highs and lows, but how you deal with those highs and lows as Founders can make a big difference. In this week’s episode, Mark and David talk about when the going gets tough and how important it is as a leader to keep your personal insecurities in check to avoid causing panic and paralysis.
And what to do if panic sets in anyway. Including when David shared a negative financial report with the whole team, causing several people to think they were getting fired and what this taught him about communicating bad news.
Show notes:
Find out about ScreenCloud: screencloud.com
Watch the video: youtube.com/screencloudio/panic-things-go-wrong
Connect with David Hart or Mark McDermott on LinkedIn.
Get in touch: hello@screencloud.com
Episode 31
In this week’s episode, Mark and David talk about when the going gets tough and how important it is as a leader to keep your personal insecurities in check to avoid causing panic and paralysis.
Every startup will inevitably experience both highs and lows, but how you deal with those highs and lows as Founders can make a big difference. In this week’s episode, Mark and David talk about when the going gets tough and how important it is as a leader to keep your personal insecurities in check to avoid causing panic and paralysis.
And what to do if panic sets in anyway. Including when David shared a negative financial report with the whole team, causing several people to think they were getting fired and what this taught him about communicating bad news.
Show notes:
Find out about ScreenCloud: screencloud.com
Watch the video: youtube.com/screencloudio/panic-things-go-wrong
Connect with David Hart or Mark McDermott on LinkedIn.
Get in touch: hello@screencloud.com
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